Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sri Lanka Mission Trip 2009... Here we go!

Welcome back to the KidsReach blog for the latest mission trip to Sri Lanka.

Basic facts about the trip that we know so far...

We will be away from 15th August to 1st September.

The trip will include 4 Conferences, 1 Children's camp as well as a number of other speaking and ministry opportunities in churches as we go.

Conference 1 - Live Out Conference - Colombo (1 day conference for 150 leaders) 17 August
Conference 2 - Children's Ministry Leaders Conference - Puttalum. (Residential conference for 100 leaders) 18-19 August
Conference 3- Children's Ministry Leaders Conference - Kandy (2 days/150 leaders) 21-22 August
Conference 4 - Children's Ministry Leaders Conference - Badulla (2 days/150 leaders) 24-25 August
Children's Camp - National Camp for Children suffering from Abuse. 25-28 August

You can see a presentation of what is going to happen on YouTube also...

As the trip progresses we will keep you updated via this blog and also emails. Generally - the text of the blog will be what gets sent via email, the blog will have photos where and when we can upload them. If there is a chance we will send more personalised emails as we go, but you never can tell till you get there.

The one thing we would ask at this stage is to pray for the success of the trip. We want to impact the lives of the people in Sri Lanka, and to bring encouragement and hope to children and children's workers all across Sri Lanka.

Please pray that we would be safe and healthy as we go.

Please pray for unity as most of us will meet each other for the first time at the beginning of the trip.

Please pray for Shanthi and the local team, that they will be encouraged by our visit and spurred on to continue doing the work
that God has for them in Sri Lanka.

Please pray that God will begin and continue to do a mighty work in the lives of children and people in Sri Lanka.

That's it for now... I will post more as we go and photos as well.

Regards - The KidsReach Team 2009.

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