Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pastor's Conference and off to Ja-ela.

Thursday dawned and David and Hilary headed off with some of the local team to one of the local Kandy churches for a day of speaking to and connecting with pastors from all the churches in the Kandy area. It was a day of promoting children's ministry and leadership equipping - encouraging the pastors to put their time and effort into the children of their congregations and community.

While the turnout was not as good as expected, the day went off really well and the pastors and their wives who were in attendance, were given much food for thought and encouragement to keep going with their efforts with children, as well as food for the body with a great lunch at the end.

With only one more conference to go on this trip, we packed up all the books and resources, as well as our personal luggage and waved farewell for this trip to the lovely, if not chaotic Kandy.

Ja-ela next stop.


Paul's Post said...

Hey there Micah & Ebony,
I just got your postcard for KA (Thursday) - great to hear from you!
Sounds like the beaches got more use than the pulpits!?!
Great to hear that everything has been going well for you.
Greetings to the adults as well!
Enjoy what's left of your rec time, and we'll see you all soon.

Paul's Post said...
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